7 Reasons You Should Upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10?

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7 Reasons You Should Upgrade Windows 7 to Windows 10?

Still in dilemma whether to upgrade to window 10 from windows 7 or not? Well, the early you decide, the better you can experience with the most advanced windows version. No doubt certain constraints kept people/businesses away from the idea of upgrading to Windows 10. But with time and new updates windows, 10 has made its foray, and now, people love to upgrade their windows 7 system to windows 10.

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This article will explain various justified aspects that are quite convincing on why you should upgrade to windows 10.

Let’s check out what these are:

Access To Microsoft store

Windows 10 have open and easy access to the “Microsoft Store.” The Microsoft Store is just like “Apple Store” or the “Google Play Store.

You can download various apps like Facebook, Netflix, Alexa, Instagram, Twitter directly on your PC. The availability of these apps on your PC has enhanced the overall UI, especially if you have a touch screen system. Nothing like this was available on Windows 7.

Elevated Compatibility

At the beginning windows, 10 had a significant issue with some 3rd party applications; which worked better with windows 7. This was one of the prime reasons that people felt reluctant to upgrade to Windows 10. But with time, Microsoft has covered all and elevated Windows 10 compatibility level.

Windows 10 can sync your data across Android devices with your Windows Timeline. Such advanced compatibility features were never available in windows 7. Moreover, to encourage people; Microsoft is now working in the direction of producing upgraded versions of their applications that are compatible with windows 10 only.

For example, the new MS Office 2022 software is not fit to work on Windows 7; it will run on Windows 10 only. No PC or laptop is now available with windows 7 as default. Microsoft is highlighting windows10 in the main picture to let people use it without any special efforts to get it.

Update Support & Safety Features

Microsoft is on the verge of withdrawing its support for Windows 7. That makes you completely insecure whenever you need any support. Upgrading to Windows 10 could be your best bet to stay protected under Microsoft support services. Windows 10 is developed with more stable security features in comparison to Windows 7.
Unlike windows 7, windows 10 gets updated twice a year that ensures you get exposed to more advanced features. Microsoft aims to render support for every updated version of windows 10. The success of this idea of Microsoft will make your stay relaxed from buying a new version of the software for long years in the coming future.

The Dedicated Notification Center

Windows 10 has come up with a unique notification system known as “Action Center.” Being windows 7 users, we are used to seeing notifications in the taskbar or a pop-up message on the screen. But Windows 10 has created a concise and upgraded notification system.

The Action Centre keeps running for showing up all notification about applications, emails, and other relevant information. The Action center itself is packed with upgraded features like quick access buttons, file sharing features, network settings, and much more.

Cortana- The Voice Assistant

The voice assistant is the prevailing trend in the IT sector. Who doesn’t love Siri or Alexa? Windows 10 comes with an inbuilt personal voice assistant named “Cortana.” The voice assistant feature is one of the significant reasons that convinced many people to upgrade to Windows 10, especially the new generation users.

The Cortana is all set to perform specific tasks like telling you LIVE match score, giving weather reports and sending emails. Cortana is integrated with various prime working areas (window); such as the Microsoft Edge web browser etc.

The web browser in Windows 10 is packed with more security features in comparison to Windows 7 IE. It is compatible with phone browsing; it has inbuilt ad blocking extensions and may more.

Featured Gaming Console

Streaming online gaming was never a prominent feature in windows 7. Whereas in Windows 10 the inbuilt Xbox app has let it made its foray in the game lovers segment as well.

This inbuilt feature allows you to stream online/offline content on your PC from your Xbox. Besides. You can also access and enjoy more Microsoft games like Forza 7 or State of Decay etc. Windows 10 allows you to download these games from the Microsoft Store directly.

Moreover, Windows 10 exclusively supports DirectX 12, which makes it far better than windows 7 as far gaming and entertainment is concerned. This technology helps in downloading and playing various high-end videos and audio in Windows 10.

Downgrade Windows 10

Last but not the least convincing reason to upgrade to windows 10 is; you can always roll back to windows 7 if you do not like it. Yes, it is quite easy to downgrade windows 10 in case if any dissatisfaction.

The only condition is you have kept the old version saved on your drive. With the Microsoft inbuilt process, you can roll back to previously installed versions at any time. It’s only a few click job.

TIP: Backup your all data while downgrading the windows, same as you do while upgrading it.

Despite its a paid upgrade for all, Windows 10 renders a reliable performance is undoubtedly a boost for Windows 7 users (or below) and a better bet for Windows 8/8.1 users. The advanced features make it worth investing in upgrading your system to Windows 10.

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