Patch Management 101: All You Need to Know!

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Patch Management 101: All You Need to Know!

Software management, software updates and bug fixing are only a handful of things taken care of through a reliable Patch Management System. It also identifies any potential risks or vulnerable aspects of working software and ‘patches’ it to ensure smooth and steady work.

Today, many IT companies and businesses rely on Patch Management to keep their software systems up to date and appropriate for use. With its growing popularity, there is little to no doubt about how important it is to use a Patch Management system that is compatible with your particular needs. While using any software or application, the basic requirement is for the tool to be in top notch updated condition. Efficient management of such patches thereby ensures that not only are the software updated, but also that they are protected against any potential risk causing factors.

Patch management might seem lengthy, but it does not have to become a chore that takes up a huge chunk of precious working time. In the hands of trained and experienced techs, patch management just becomes a routine after hour service for your IT setup and that is exactly why many companies rely on service providers to keep a track of their patch fixes for the complete software layout.


To ‘patch’ software or an application means to fix any shortcomings or vulnerabilities in the said software. These patches act as fixes for the problem discovered and thereby strengthen the entire software system as a whole.

Malicious software and online threats are also thwarted using optimal patches. Other than securing, it can also effectively update and add new features to applications as soon as they are released.


Patch management is the complete process of organising, choosing and applying patches. Patching is just the beginning of a whole process of making sure that all IT systems are safe and harm free for the long run. Managing patches includes a thorough classification of all applications, software, operating systems etc. that might be at risk of being susceptible to cyber-attacks or regular malfunctioning. After classification, optimal patches are chosen, tried and finally implemented to the areas that require them.


As discussed above, patching is not the accurate solution to a harmful situation. Patch management brings the total potential of whatever patches are chosen for a specific problem.

  • It ensures that all software systems are secure. Security is undisputedly the most important reason why patch management is chosen. Reducing any chances of a security related failure; it gets rid of all minor and major problems that could prove to be disadvantageous in the future.
  • It saves time. Setting up a well-organized system means that after it has been set, the time that was earlier spent on organizing and patching every area separately will be drastically reduced. It not only reduces time usage, it also increases time utilized doing productive work.
  • It is not limited to security. Proofing against dangers is its most important role, but it isn’t the only role it plays. It ranges from bug fixes to feature updates as well. This means that while you have a patch management system in place, you can always rest assured that all the latest functionalities of a product are at your disposal.


Patch Management may turn out to be an extensive process or it may be handled swiftly whenever needed. This largely depends who takes care of the system and in the hands of a trained professional; it becomes a smooth and error-free process.

  1. Analyse every little detail

    An ideal Patch Management system will first analyse your whole software setup. This scrutinizing helps in determining all shortcomings or vulnerabilities in the system and creating a patch inventory. It also ensures that an optimal set up is implemented that targets the discovered problems.

  2. Determination of problem areas

    After a thorough evaluation, all the discovered problems have to be complied and targeted on a priority basis. The most vulnerable and important factors must always be the first to be fixed, followed by hotfixes for minor areas.

  3. Testing

    To ensure that the rolled out patches are actually compatible with the software it is used for, the patches are first tested. This testing may take prior to actually getting implemented or its performance may be tracked after a pilot implementation limited to a few production systems.

  4. Patch deployment

    Once all the endpoints have been decided and system review is finished, the patch is deployed and it gets to work. Taking care of all system updates, patching services etc. an ideal manager will also keep you up to speed with information on every ongoing process.

  5. Regular reports

    Any system is incomplete without data received from its usage. Similarly, a patch management program that is regularly monitored will lead to certain success. Status reports also keep techs updated about the system’s performance.

  6. Improve patches if needed

    It is understandable that with time some patches will be at risk of getting outdated or they might not still apply to the problem. This is where the role of regular reporting comes in. It helps in discovering any exceptional circumstances that arise and thereby assists in dealing with them.

    Once a viable patch management system is set in place, all your patch related worries will vanish along with the bugs it got rid of!!!


No matter how necessary patch management might be, it still is an additional task totally outside the purview of regular business/ office affairs. Additional task it may be, but it still requires a considerable amount of time and resource like other business matters, if not more.

This is one of the main reasons why many companies opt for hiring a trusted service provider that will overlook patch management in their stead.

A patch management service provider already has all the necessary tools, software infrastructure and expertise required to apply an entire patch management procedure. It covers everything from the initial steps of determining risks to later deploying patches and reviewing their performance. This however does not mean that you wouldn’t know what patch related tasks have been finished and when new patch roll out will take place.

A responsible service is one which will keep you updated about the successes and tasks completed by patch through detailed reports. The reports include data on all the risks that were compiled, patches that were applied, minor bug fixes, feature and functionality updates to applications and how the selected patch fared against the problems.


Patch Management Systems are inseparable parts of a well-functioning system. They are ideal to secure our working software against any sabotages or potential harms. However, a ConnectWise Automate Patch goes even a step or two further in ensuring that you don’t have to worry about a thing once you choose it.

SankalpIT’s ConnectWise Automate helps in streamlining all IT tasks and defending your clients’ security.

  1. Automate your patch management, or do it manually

    Automated patch management works seamlessly in most cases. However, it is not invincible and so a manual patch management can help in nit picking and fixing all minor details that might’ve been overlooked. But you don’t need to sweat about manual tasks taking up your time; our experienced techs will take care of that during after-hours.

    A dependable patch management program is one which can deliver maximum performance while fully automated, as well as when some fixes are made manually.

  2. Extension of the entire ConnectWise Automate

    All your patch management needs will be available as a part of the ConnectWise Automate, taking care of tasks like rebooting, bug fixes etc. ConnecWise Automate Patch can be added to your Automate system and attuned accordingly.

    This maintains a smooth workflow as the deployment to an already homogeneously working environment is much easier and straight forward.

  3. Review and Research

    SankalpIT’s trusted team of techs first reviews your whole set up and collects data. The collected data is used to verify and choose an optimal patch for your software.

    This is where experience comes into play. An experienced tech will have a discerning eye for any problems that even an automated system, that has not been programmed to pin-point it, might miss.

  4. After-hours service

    We take care of all updates and reboots during the after-hours so that your work process doesn’t get disrupted. It also saves precious workhours and negates client disturbance. During this time, we can also resolve any additional issues that arise and even upgrade a complete Windows setup.

    Our after-hours service is ideal for high pressure work environments where time is of the utmost importance.

  5. ConnectWise takes care of the patch while you concentrate on your business

    Once ConnectWise takes over, you don’t have to think about security fixes and whatnot (except for when reviewing our scheduled reports of course!). We patch all systems while you focus on important tasks like managing your business and revenue generation.

  6. Customer trust and satisfaction

    ConnectWise values the trust that clients put in it. With its active patch management we offer smooth working of your system, which further allows you to keep your customers happy. It is a beneficial cycle of gaining customer trust through hard work and technical solutions.

  7. Regular status reports

    We believe in keeping you updated about the working of ConnectWise Automate Patch. Our clients can go through the scheduled reports that we offer or they may request a report when convenient. It helps build a good rapport between the two parties and we are here to assist you with that. Also, our regular reports enable you to keep your customers informed too; it’s a win-win situation for all.


  • Automating the patch, and doing it manually when needed.

    Today most of the patch management has been automated. It has eased stress of manually keeping up with patch off the techs’ shoulders. However, automation may also make everyone a bit too dependent on it, leading to critical information getting overlooked. For example, updating Windows systems and critical server reboots are better dealt with manually.

  • Risk calculation

    As soon as we discover all the probable areas that need fixing, we get to distinguishing them on the basis of their risk factors. Matters that hold the potential to create greater problems are dealt on a high priority urgent basis. After that all the minor little patches for software and application bugs take place.

  • High return on investment

    We value your financial resources and so we take it upon us that your expenditure on getting the ConnectWise Automate generates exponential benefit for yourself. The service is an investment that will put your business on the right track to success.

  • Reliable emergency protocol

    Unforeseen circumstances can always occur when dealing with software related issues. However, what’s more important is to have a fallback plan for such a situation. In cases like these, a clear cut script and assigned staff follow all the necessary steps to get things back to normal, as soon as possible.


  • Patch management is an integral part of a healthy working software environment.
  • Patching is best taken care of by qualified and experienced tech professionals.
  • Automated patch management and manual patch management, both have their uses.
  • Periodic reports and improvements based on said reports make for a healthy patch management system.
  • Patch should not only keep software secure, it also needs to keep systems updated and functional to the best of their abilities.
  • ConnectWise Automate Patch offers all these features and much more!

The fact that you’re here means you’re looking for an ideal Patch Management System that will quell all your software worries.

So why wait?

Just take that leap and give it a try…

Our ConnectWise Automate Patch is ever-ready to assist you!


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